What if we told you that using electronic signature form you can request your documents to be signed without using any pen, any printer, scanner or fax? Imagine that? No faxing, no printing and no scanning needed. In a world of paperless office, electronic signature form has become the gold standard for signing documents. All contracts, all forms, all agreements, all orders, leases, loans, and everything else in between can be signed with an electronic signature form. And the best part is, you get that paper-free, all while your documents are secured.
In order to sign documents as you go, from anywhere and at any time, you need software that will make your dreams come true. One such software product is Wondershare SignX, a fast and secure electronic signature form that makes all your documents legally binding as they were signed on hard copy.
There are several features that make SignX one of your best options on the market for such feat. For starters, using the platform is extremely easy and simple. Here are the main features of SignX:
All the documents are password and encryption protected. You can even create and store reusable templates. All the templates can be individually personalized. But the most important aspect is that you save money and time, all while creating a more streamlined workflow in the office.
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